Remedial Massage


Remedial Massage is a manual therapy where a variety of therapeutic pressure techniques are used by the therapists hands, forearms or elbows to manipulate the bodies soft tissue structures. These structures include the tendons, ligaments, fascia, superficial and deep muscles; the assessment and treatment of these body structures assists the body to rehabilitate post injury, manage pain and return to function. Remedial Massage aims to balance muscle tissue length, tension and tone realigning joints. Improved circulation of the blood and lymph as result of Remedial Massage will positively affect blockages, scar tissue, adhesions and damaged cells that may result from injury or trauma.

When planning a Remedial Massage treatment the therapist considers the client’s medical history, physical health, medications, treatment pressure preferences and the nature of the presenting injury. Remedial Massage sessions will likely include deep tissue work, trigger point therapy, stretching and are highly individualised to best meet the client’s needs.

Regular Remedial Massage will reduce muscular tension, improve circulation, positively affect muscle fatigue and assist with pain reduction. Injury risk can be reduced by undertaking regular Remedial Massage and re-injury can be managed by keeping scar tissue flexible around old injury sites. Treatment frequency will vary depending on occupation, medical history and health goals.

After a Remedial Massage treatment there is the possibility of some residual soreness, especially if some deep tissue work has been undertaken. This soreness will subside in a day or two and drinking water before and after a session will assist this process by flushing out toxins. An epsom salts bath is a fantastic way to sooth muscles post-treatment.