Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy uses gentle touch to balance the 22 cranial bones, spine and sacrum; the flow on effect of this balance is a calming of the central nervous system and the cerebral spinal fluid. During a Craniosacral session the therapist makes light contact at selected points around the head and monitors the cerebrospinal fluid or ‘wave’ to establish any misalignment and disharmony in the system, these are then addressed as a part of the session.
Cerebral spinal fluid is the fluid that surrounds the brain and the spinal cord. This fluid has a cranial rhythm that operates at a frequency of about 6-12 cycles per minute. Monitoring the cranial rhythm (wave) can detect disturbances and help to identify areas of dysfunction. Some of these dysfunctions may include restriction to the cranial, sutural, membranous and soft tissue structures of the body.
The gentle touch of Craniosacral Therapy is suitable for all ages and can address a variety of conditions, such as a new born having trouble feeding or adults with ongoing headaches. Clients remain clothed during the treatment and it’s an excellent therapy option for older clients with mobility issues.
Some changes that have been observed as a result of Craniosacral Therapy include improved sleep, reduced tinnitus, increased neck movement, reduced back/neck pain and reduction in the severity and frequency of headaches. Craniosacral Therapy is a recommended therapy for the management of pain that is associated with Fibromyalgia and the gentle touch means it’s safe and effective during acute pain episodes.
Infants experiencing reflux, having difficulty feeding or with colic are recommended to combine Craniosacral work with Myofascial Release for optimum results. Mothers post birth are encouraged to undertake Craniosacral Therapy to gently balance the pelvis.